Prepping for tomorrow! Lamaze training here I come

Well, I'm in Madison and mentally prepping myself for what is to come for tomorrow. I checked my email and found an email from the instructor. I will quote what it read and let me know what you think.

"I wanted to give you a heads up about introductions tomorrow. I know this can be a source of nervousness when it is sprung on you.  So, I want to give you a little time to think about what you'd like to say.  So, I will ask you to tell us your name, any relevant family information you want to give (do you have a partner, kids, etc), where do you live, what is your occupation, 3 interesting facts about yourself (hobbies, travel, interests, etc) and to tell us a hope and a fear for this weekend.  What are you hoping to get out of it or what are you hoping will happen because of it, etc.  What are you nervous about?  What do you think
might hold you back, etc."

Um...what? Ok, this goes beyond just the normal pleasantries. Do I need to take notes? Fortunately I was thinking about these things on my drive.

First - name, what I do, family makeup...easy enough
Second - 3 interesting facts about myself! Um, ok, what is this a leadership workshop?
1) I started a blog chronicling my Lamaze training journey
2) I'm a terrible speller (maybe I shouldn't admit that)
3) I'd like to experience the birth process again but not the pregnancy nor the actual caring for an infant part

Is #3 too harsh? Are people going to think I'm out of my mind? Maybe I'll just stick to mentioning the roller derby thing and my European travel. Ohhh! I could say I've been to the Playboy Mansion recently, that will be interesting.

Third - Ok, this list is getting a bit ridiculous. Does she want me to bring in an essay about myself? "What did you do last summer?" - A hope and a fear!
I hope this will take me on another career path. I fear that it will because this path does not fit anything I've ever done or been educated about.

Forth - What am I nervous about, what is holding me back?
Honestly time. Is my timing off for this venture? Will I have enough time to complete my goal? Do I have the timing and place right to make this happen in my town? Do I really believe this will go over in Jamestown?

Maybe I should just read this blog to the group tomorrow. Then I won't have to think on my feet too much.


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