Why is Childbirth Education Important?

I am the type of person who needs information. When I get interested in a subject I find resources and learn all I can. When I got pregnant I didn’t know much. I mean, I knew the basics on the biology of the whole thing, but I didn’t know how childbirth was actually going to go. I knew there would be choices to make but I didn’t have the information to decide on which choices would be best for me.
So I read and sought more education. I found a philosophy of birth that fit my desires. I also sought a care provider who was amenable to the options I was choosing. I took the childbirth class at the local hospital, but didn’t feel like they gave me the tools to have the birth I wanted.

I won’t lie, there are many childbirth information sources out there that create fear and are not based on evidence. Many images presented on TV, in movies, and on YouTube show women giving birth in scary, chaotic situations that would make you question why anyone would decide to have a baby at all.

Here is a link to a film series that is working to change the way birth is presented in the media.

A man named Tim Cahill, who is an outdoor adventure writer said, "fear you can control with knowledge." And although he was applying this statement to learning how to climb a mountain, I feel it applies to many situations including childbirth.

Lamaze childbirth education can help combat the fears you may have by giving you the knowledge to face them and the background to make choices that are best for you and your baby. Lamaze is evidence based so you know you are getting current information that is rooted in objective scientific research.

I am a big proponent of education and going into childbirth knowing all your options will help you create the birth experience that is best for you. Childbirth education is a tool to help you on that path to a confident empowered birth. Every person has the right to an amazing birth experience and that is my goal as a childbirth educator to help you create the birth that fits you. Your birth is your own and you will have vivid memories of it for your entire life.

What are some childbirth resources you have found that helped empower your decisions? Were there any that fostered your fears? Were there any that helped quell them?

Contact me if you are interested in taking a childbirth education class. My next session starts February 2, 2017. I can also arrange private classes if that works better for you. 


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