Why is the U.S. so stuck up about breastfeeding?
There always seems to be a new story popping up about a woman breastfeeding her baby in public and someone asking her to cover up. A recent story out of Moorhead for example. Reading this story it sounds like the issue is resolved and the employees at the pool where the incident occurred have been reeducated and now know it is a woman's right to breastfeed her baby in public.
I LOVE the response that nursing mothers have to these types of incidents. A NURSE-IN! I can just hear the conversations. "Ladies, I was at the pool yesterday and they told me to cover up. Let's show them we are a force! Everyone bring your hungry baby to the pool tomorrow and prepare to sit and breastfeed that baby and DARE them to make us all cover up."
These types of active protests make me wish I was still nursing my kid. I would love to have participated in a nurse-in full force. Breastfeeding is an amazing experience and I encourage any mom I meet to do it. Granted it is a lot of hard work. Especially if you work and need to pump for your baby to have milk while at day care. But it is worth it!
I have often questioned if women in other parts of the world face this same type of scrutiny, discrimination, shaming (whatever you want to call it). I am sure not. Boobs just aren't as big a deal in other places as they are in the U.S. Why shame someone for doing what is a natural and healthy way to feed your baby.
So breastfeeding women of the U.S. unite! Don't be afraid to feed your baby in any place he/she gets hungry. Don't bother with a coverup. We need to normalize breastfeeding here so our children will know that is the best way to keep your baby healthy!
I LOVE the response that nursing mothers have to these types of incidents. A NURSE-IN! I can just hear the conversations. "Ladies, I was at the pool yesterday and they told me to cover up. Let's show them we are a force! Everyone bring your hungry baby to the pool tomorrow and prepare to sit and breastfeed that baby and DARE them to make us all cover up."
These types of active protests make me wish I was still nursing my kid. I would love to have participated in a nurse-in full force. Breastfeeding is an amazing experience and I encourage any mom I meet to do it. Granted it is a lot of hard work. Especially if you work and need to pump for your baby to have milk while at day care. But it is worth it!
I have often questioned if women in other parts of the world face this same type of scrutiny, discrimination, shaming (whatever you want to call it). I am sure not. Boobs just aren't as big a deal in other places as they are in the U.S. Why shame someone for doing what is a natural and healthy way to feed your baby.
So breastfeeding women of the U.S. unite! Don't be afraid to feed your baby in any place he/she gets hungry. Don't bother with a coverup. We need to normalize breastfeeding here so our children will know that is the best way to keep your baby healthy!
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