My journey to become a childbirth educator

My name is Jennifer and I have decided to become a childbirth educator. I am starting my journey by reading and self study and will take an instruction class in November. Why have I decided to start this venture? I think childbirth is fascinating and when I was pregnant I knew I wanted to give birth without drugs, but I didn't know how. Childbirth is one of those things a body just knows how to do. Although, every woman may not know how to help their body do it. I found that in my smallish community there were no resources to help me learn how to do this. So I turned to books and yoga which helped a lot and gave me the tools to successfully birth two babies without medication (aside from that antibiotic I needed because I was group B strep positive).

I know not every woman is able to read and do the education on her own, so I want to be an instrument of change in my community and help women who are seeking knowledge on how to have an unmedicated birth. I want to help them gain knowledge of how to have an amazing birth experience.

I started this blog to document my journey, thoughts, and reflections as I become a childbirth educator. I have chosen to learn the Lamaze teachings because this school seems to be the best fit for my passion and beliefs. They emphasize the impacts of a positive birth experience and making informed decisions about the interventions that are available. My goal, and I feel the goal of Lamaze teachings, is to empower women so that when they make decisions about their pregnancy and birth they are coming from a place of power within themselves and the decision was not made for them or forced upon them.


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