Breech position babies
I am thoroughly intrigued by breech babies. I have a friend who gave birth to a breech baby vaginally in a time and place when that just isn't done. Today if babies are breech they are delivered by cesarean with no questions asked. The art and medical procedure of delivering a breech baby vaginally is dieing out. It isn't being taught and it isn't being practiced. My friend's situation was unique in that her physician and the nurses didn't realize the baby was breech until they saw the baby's bottom coming out. By then it was too late for the alternative and her doctor safely guided her through pushing and delivering a healthy little one. I was happy for her, and even happier for her doctor (who incidentally was also my doctor for my second baby). This doctor now has that experience. This doctor has delivered a breech baby and hopefully can and will deliver more in the future. Three types of breech presentation: Frank breech where the baby's bottom is...