
Showing posts from June, 2016

Going to the Lamaze International Conference

I've decided to go to the Lamaze International Conference ! I wasn't sure if it would work out because it is in October. That is a tough month for me to be gone from home...well because I have a husband who loves to hunt ducks and October is prime duck time in North Dakota. But, the conference is in West Palm, in my home state of Florida and I have resources down there to help get me there. I decided to take the kids with me. Now this may be the end of me, traveling alone with both kids will be a challenge. But they can stay with my parents in Barefoot Bay while I go down to West Palm for the conference. I'm also going to stay with a friend in Lake Worth to help me save on costs. So here I go! Another step in this journey. See you in Florida in October!


I passed my Lamaze Certification exam! I am so excited. I was also offered a space to teach my classes at the local Lutheran Church. My goal is to start my first class in October. I am now working on developing my curriculum for my classes. I would love to have a Yoga practice incorporated in the class somehow as well. Yoga really helped me during my pregnancy and birth and I'd like to share that option with my students. My interactions with the labor and delivery staff at Jamestown Regional Medical Center have been positive, yet unsuccessful. The nursing director there told me that they weren't interested in taking on a Lamaze Childbirth Educator at this time. I'm fine with that. The nursing director did say that she would help refer patients my way for education and that I could work with them to do some shadowing of a labor and delivery nurse. So, I'm on my way. One more step completed. Now onto the hard stuff.