
Showing posts from December, 2015


When you open up to another woman about a miscarriage chances are she may have had one too. No one really speaks about them, but they happen more often than you may think. I'm not a professional, but personally I can think of 6 other women in my life who I know have had at least one miscarriage. Two women have had multiple. There may be more of my friends who have had one and haven't opened up to me. With myself included in that number, that seems like a lot of miscarriages. Having a miscarriage is a very personal thing between the woman and her partner. Each women experiences it in her own personal way but for me, it was painful physically and emotionally. I didn't share my experience with many others at the time, maybe because I didn't know exactly how to express it, but I am willing to share now. Especially since I've found out that miscarriages are more common than I thought. And then there are Sam and Nia. They very publicly shared the news of their pregna...