
Showing posts from June, 2015

Recognizing the work of hospitals

I gave "The Official Lamaze Guide: Giving Birth With Confidence" to a friend of mine. This friend is a labor and delivery nurse at my local hospital. She is good at her job, she attended the birth of my second baby and I value her opinions. She told me frankly that she was offended with certain parts of the book and the fact that it didn't recognize the work of nurses and doctors who are trying to change the hospital birth experience to fit the needs of women in labor. I know that she values the birth experience and genuinely wants every mom that comes in there to have a great experience. I agree. On some level there is a need to challenge the hospital protocols for laboring women. To question certain practices like no solid food and continuous electronic fetal monitoring. But there are doctors, nurses and hospitals that are recognizing the power a woman's body has to give birth and trusting in that process and not managing it with medical interventions unless neces...